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San Blas Mexico Nov 2001 by S Davies


By Stephen J. Davies


In mid November 2001, Katherine Feldman and I spent 8 full days birding coastal Nayarit in western Mexico. This was our first birding trip to Mexico and proved to be a great introduction to that country’s avifauna. By following directions provided in Steve Howell’s excellent book "A Bird-Finding Guide to Mexico", we located 237 species for the trip, including many regional endemics. Howell’s book is essential reading for anyone planning a trip to this region and is one of the best bird-finding guides I have used to any region, anywhere. All locations mentioned in this trip report are fully covered in chapter 6 of Howell’s guide and the reader should refer to this source for full directions, details on access, birds to expect etc. Also indispensable is Howell and Webb’s "A Guide to the Birds of Mexico and Northern Central America" - a vast goldmine of reliable information and again one of the best currently available bird guides to any region (see bibliography for details). The climate varied with altitude from hot and humid in the lowlands to idyllic at the higher elevations. Biting arthropods were only a problem in the lowlands and here they were easily controlled with repellent (in contrast to other popular birding locations in Texas and Florida, for instance!). The local people were always friendly and courteous, and displayed immense patience with our non-existent Spanish. Sensible health precautions we took included vaccination for hepatitis A and typhoid, along with malaria prophylaxis, as recommended by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s "Yellow Book" ( The relaxed environment and wealth of birds made for a very enjoyable trip and we hope to return to this fascinating country for more birding in the near future

November 11th

We arrived in Puerto Vallarta, Jalisco, after dark on the evening of the 10th. We traveled from the U.S. on a direct flight from Denver International, Colorado, with Aero Mexicana. We obtained a cheap rental car from Avis at the Puerto Vallarta airport and spent the night at a small hotel in central Puerto Vallarta.

Leaving Puerto Vallarta before dawn, we headed north along the coast toward Nayarit on Route 200. Starting at daybreak, we began seeing Tropical Kingbirds perched on roadside wires and fences in ever-increasing numbers — at times it seemed there was a Tropical every 5 yards.

Magnificent FrigatebirdOur first stop was Laguna de Quelele, a large lagoon and area of mangroves just to the west of Route 200 and a little to the north of the Jalisco-Nayarit state border. We had some problems finding the access road to the Laguna amongst the maze of dirt roads around Mezcales, but we eventually found the right road through a process of trial and error. Driving the fields and dirt roads on the approach to the Laguna produced our first looks at such species as Ruddy Ground-Dove, Groove-billed Ani, Golden-cheeked Woodpecker, Cinnamon-rumped (White-collared) Seedeater and Stripe-headed Sparrow, and also produced a single male Blue-black Grassquit in a roadside hedgerow. At the Laguna itself, we were greeted by flocks of soaring Wood Storks and Magnificent Frigatebirds. Walking the trails alongside the mangroves provided views over the Laguna, which contained large numbers of whistling-ducks (mostly Black-bellied, with a few Fulvous mixed in), herons and shorebirds. A group of 4 Mexican Parrotlets flew overhead chattering. We discovered a wooden platform, built into a flowering tree, which provided a good view out over the lagoon. However, we were soon distracted by the birds coming to the flowers around our heads - Orchard, Hooded and Bullock’s Orioles and our first Cinnamon Hummingbirds!

As we returned to the car, raptors were beginning to soar overhead on the nascent thermals — mostly Turkey and Black Vultures, but also our first Short-tailed Hawk and Common Black-Hawk of the trip.

Blue-footed BoobyWe continued north on 200, making another short detour down the Punta Mita road. Here we found good vantage points to scope the ocean and soon had great views of Brown and Blue-footed Boobies, feeding just offshore or loafing on nearby rocks. The thorn forest along this road was mostly quiet in the growing heat, but we did find our first Gray Hawks, Crested Caracaras and Nutting’s Flycatcher for the trip.

Continuing on to San Blas, we stayed on the coast road through Las Varas for an uneventful drive. Sinaloa Crows suddenly became abundant as we headed north, and we saw our only White-tailed Kite of the trip on this stretch. We arrived in San Blas that afternoon and found cheap accommodation at the Hotel Morelos. Located just off the zócalo, this hotel proved to be a convenient base with very friendly and helpful owners, a healthy dose of local character and a rate that suited our budget, so we ended up staying there for the remainder of our trip.

November 12th

For our first morning of birding in San Blas, we chose to walk the Sewer Ponds Trail. This proved to be an excellent introduction to the local avifauna. Arriving right at sunrise, 5 Black-throated Magpie Jays were working the trees around the start of the road. The fields in this area soon turned up a covey of Elegant Quail and some dazzling Streak-backed Orioles. Back to the trees along the road, we made slow progress toward the sewer ponds, owing to the density of interesting birds. Highlights included our first Citreoline Trogons (a pair), Russet-crowned Motomots (2, including one very obliging individual), Squirrel Cuckoos (2) Social Flycatchers (many), Rufous-backed Robins, Grayish Saltator and more Mexican Parrotlets. At the ponds themselves, Northern Jacanas were easy to see, and the trees around the ponds were also busy — Orange-fronted Parakeet, Greenish Elaenia etc. By the time we were walking back, raptor activity had begun to pick up: an unfamiliar call led us to a handsome Laughing Falcon perched high in a palm, and a Crane Hawk made several passes overhead.

Northern PotooShortly after lunch, we decided to scope out the situation with river boat trips at the dock on the Rio San Cristobal. After a broken conversation with a very congenial boatman, we soon found ourselves on an impromptu ride to La Tovara. This trip is famous for Northern Potoos, but we realized that our timing was wrong and we would probably need to take this trip again on another day, preferably returning after dark to search for potoos. Nevertheless, the trip was very enjoyable, gliding through mangrove tunnels, with crocodiles lurking in the shadows and Green Kingfishers flushing ahead of us. Deep in the mangroves, the boat coasted to a stop and the boatman began drawing our attention to something in the branches right above our heads. Our eyes initially focused on what appeared to be only a gnarly extension of a mangrove bough. Then we realized we were staring right at a roosting Northern Potoo, at point-blank range in broad daylight! Further on, we flushed a juvenile Great Black-Hawk from a perch along the river, which then flew off, screaming, over our heads.

We arrived back at the dock late in the afternoon and decided to watch the sunset from the nearby fort. Here, we were treated to a magnificent view west towards the ocean. As darkness fell, many Lesser Nighthawks began hawking overhead. Judging from the mosquito activity, there must have been plenty for them to eat.

November 13th

We arrived back at the Rio San Cristobal dock at dawn to meet up with Miguel, another boatman we’d met at La Tovara the previous afternoon. While waiting for Miguel to show, we found a small group of Purplish-backed Jays foraging along the road just east of the bridge.

On this trip we set off upriver, heading for the auspiciously named Laguna de los Pájaros. Shortly after leaving the dock, we encountered our first Muscovy Duck — a fine adult that powered off ahead of us, well in advance of our approach. Later we obtained brief views of another two — an adult and a young bird that lacked the white wing patches. Again, these big ducks flushed well before we got close. Presumably hunting pressure has made them justifiably wary of humans.

Laughing FalconFurther upstream, at a likely-looking spot amongst the mangroves, Miguel pulled the boat in under the branches, cut the engine and began pishing. We joined in and our Ferruginous Pygmy-Owl imitations soon attracted a healthy flock of angry passerines, mostly wintering warblers from further north — Wilson’s, Yellow, Black-and-white and Black-throated Gray Warblers, Northern Waterthrush etc. Finally, our efforts were rewarded by a pair of lemon-colored spectacles peering at us through the leaves — a Mangrove Vireo!

A short distance further on, Miguel again glided the boat to a halt close to some mangrove branches that hung low over the water. As we approached, we noticed movement and raised our binoculars. There in front of us were 3 Boat-billed Herons in full view.

We finally arrived at Laguna de los Pájaros, which was aptly named — the place was awash with whistling ducks (both species, but mainly Black-bellied) and jacanas. We then made a leisurely ride back downriver, arriving at the dock in time for lunch.

After making enquiries at the Hotel Garza Canela, we managed to contact Chencho, an experienced boatman and river guide renowned for his success with finding potoos on the evening trips to La Tovara. We arranged to meet for just such a trip later that day. Setting out at mid afternoon, we first scoured the muddy river margins downstream of the dock, scanning deep into the mangrove roots in the hope of finding a Rufous-necked Wood-Rail. But despite our careful searching, no wood-rails could be found and neither did we find a much desired Bare-throated Tiger Heron.

Heading back into the mangrove tunnels toward La Tovara, we applied the same technique we’d used earlier that day with Miguel — cutting the engine, drifting quietly under the mangroves and pishing. Flocks of wintering warblers were again easily attracted to Ferruginous Pygmy-Owl imitations and we searched through these carefully. This tactic was soon rewarded with a handsome male "Mangrove" Yellow Warbler, with a solid red head. As the light faded, several real Ferruginous Pygmy-Owls also began calling back!

Boat-billed HeronIt was mostly dark by the time we were headed back from La Tovara. Chencho fired up a big spotlight than ran from the boat’s battery and illuminated the river very effectively. Lesser Nighthawks skimmed low along the water ahead of us, darting in and out of the beam. It wasn’t long before Chencho picked up some Boat-billed Herons, apparently emerging from a daytime roost and pausing high in the treetops along the river. I counted at least 12 birds but I’m sure there were many more we did not see.

Further downriver, Chencho again drew our attention to something large that seemed to be repeatedly sallying out from a perch over the water — a Northern Potoo, and wide awake this time! We got excellent looks in Chencho’s spotlight, down to the yellow irides of its large eyes.

November 14th

After a day on the river the day before, we decided to keep our feet on land for a day and explore the varied habitats available within a short drive of San Blas.

Citreoline TrogonWe arrived at Lower Singayta at dawn. This proved to be another excellent site, with some birds similar to those at the Sewer Ponds Road, but also many we did not see in San Blas. The day started well when we stepped from the car in time to see a pair of Lineated Woodpeckers fly by. Further down the trail, a medium-sized hummingbird darting in and out of the foliage with the Cinnamons proved to be a Violet-crowned. Tracking down scolding noises from the undergrowth, we soon had multiple Sinaloa and Happy Wrens under our belt. We encountered lots more activity as the morning progressed, with more Citreoline Trogons, Ruddy Ground-Doves and Orange-fronted Parakeets, a Squirrel Cuckoo and a flock of 20 Mexican Parrotlets. Patience was rewarded with good views of our first Blue Mockingbird in some open habitat close to the start of the dirt road.

As we moved down the trail, we tried not to get distracted by the big gaudy stuff and concentrated more on working thoroughly through the mixed species flocks. This produced more excellent birds, including a stunning Tropical Parula and a female Rose-throated Becard. As the morning warmed up, we paid more attention to the raptors overhead, finding that the Gray and Common Black-Hawks were now joined by multiple Crane and Zone-tailed Hawks and a single juvenile Peregrine. Any complacency was beaten out of us when we were startled by an explosion of flapping and feathers nearby — a Rufous-bellied Chachalaca erupted from some dense undergrowth and rocketed into the canopy.

By late morning we decided to turn around and retrace our steps back to the car. Foolishly, I assumed we’d see the same birds on the way back as we’d seen on the way out. We had barely begun our return trek when a magnificent pair of Pale-billed Woodpeckers appeared in the branches over the trail, treating us to some spectacular views as they flopped from tree to tree. I wonder what else we missed!

After Lower Singayta, we attempted to bird the forest area uphill of the village — Upper Singayta - by walking the main road and some of the side trails. This proved difficult and not very successful, the combination of the busy road and midday lull in activity conspiring against us.

Elegant TrogonFor the afternoon, we headed south along the coast to La Bajada. To get to the coffee and banana plantations we bounced through the village on the cobbled streets, picking up a nice flyover flock of six Black-throated Magpie-Jays on the way. Leaving the car at the start of the plantations, we hadn’t walked far before we started hearing unfamiliar calls from the canopy. Investigating, we found a Masked Tityra and a dazzling Yellow Grosbeak. As we walked higher, the birding seemed decidedly quiet compared to the morning at Singayta, but there was still plenty to look at — more Zone-tailed Hawks, Lineated Woodpeckers, Orange-fronted Parakeets and Sinaloa Wrens, and a brilliant male Elegant Trogon. Forking left at the split in the trail, we climbed a considerable way up into the forest. This stretch was comparatively quiet, but well worth the effort as it produced a group of six Red-crowned Ant-Tanagers working quietly through the dense vegetation.

It was dark by the time we arrived back in San Blas, and a Ferruginous Pygmy-Owl was calling from a garden across the road from the hotel.

November 15th

Leaving before dawn, we again headed inland, this time for the higher altitudes and cool pine-oak forests of Cerro de San Juan. En route, we stopped at El Mirador del Aguila, a famously reliable location for Military Macaw. According to Howell, "The macaws can be seen at any time of day and usually within 15-30 minutes of arriving at the mirador…" We decided to put him to the test!

The mirador provides a compelling view northwards over an idyllic forested valley. Unfortunately, the viewing area is on the shoulder of the old but very busy Tepic-Crucero San Blas ‘libre’ highway, making for a very strange overall experience! Nevertheless, from the minute we arrived we could hear big beefy cawing noises, which we suspected of belonging to macaws, rising from the valley below. And still audible despite the roar of 18-wheelers pulling engine brakes behind us! It wasn’t long before a group of 5 macaws launched themselves from the escarpment some 100 yards to our right and proceeded down the valley, passing right in front of us for some breathtaking views! Their green, blue and gold plumage glowed in the early morning sunlight, making for a mesmerizing sight as these huge parrots cruised off down the valley. A glance at the watch confirmed we had been there just 20 minutes. Steve Howell — we were impressed!

We found the cool temperatures, low humidity and lack of biting arthropods at Cerro de San Juan to be a very pleasant contrast to the lowlands around San Blas. Bird activity was intense from the moment we started up the dirt road. The first few hundred yards produced some exciting hummingbirds, including a pair of Golden-crowned Emeralds, several Black-capped Vireos, Rusty-crowned Ground-Sparrow and another Yellow Grosbeak. Berylline and White-eared Hummingbirds were everywhere. As we continued up into the pine-oak woodlands, busy mixed species flocks began appearing, the first of which contained a White-striped Woodcreeper and both Painted and Slate-throated Redstarts! Higher still, at Km 2-3, we emerged into a more open, cultivated area, where we found Buff-breasted and Tufted Flycatchers, Varied Buntings and two Spotted Wrens. We also heard a Lesser Roadrunner calling.

golden-cheeked woodpeckerFrom here, the road continued up into more pine-oak woodland and more mixed species flocks. Stopping to check through these flocks was very productive — more redstarts, Red-faced Warbler, four (!) Rufous-capped Warblers, a Crescent-chested Warbler, Red-headed Tanager and a Mexican Woodnymph. Continuing on toward the summit, we stopped wherever we found activity and found more good birds — Arizona Woodpecker and Flame-colored Tanager, for example.

Beyond Rancho La Noria at Km 7-8, the road began to descend through more humid forest. Stops here produced Golden Vireo, Olivaceous and Ivory-billed Woodcreepers.

We continued on down the far side of the cerro as far as the outskirts of the village of Cuarenteno. By now the light was fading — yes, the birding was so good it took us all day to drive 16 km! Referring to our Nayarit map, we decided to try an alternative route back out to the main road by continuing on through Cuarenteno. This proved to be a mistake, as we were unable to find the road marked on the map and ended up getting lost on the badly rutted jungle tracks. It was completely dark as we tried to retrace our route back to Cuarenteno, both of us trying hard to keep calm. But as we bounced along a dirt road through a banana plantation, the tension was suddenly diffused when we noticed something fluttering on the road ahead of us. We stopped and there, sitting in the glare of the headlights was a beautiful Eared Poorwill! We watched it for several minutes as it sat on the road, white spots on the wing coverts gleaming and head flicking from side to side, occasionally revealing the characteristic ear tufts, before it eventually flew off into the night. Buoyant from our encounter with this elusive species, the careful threading back to Cuarenteno seemed to pass quickly and we were soon back on the road over the cerro. I got the impression that the sight of two gringos bouncing along the cobbled lanes of Cuarenteno in their rented Chevrolet "Pop", first in one direction, then back again, was an amusing sight for the locals.

November 16th

Russet-crowned MotmotAfter a busy day of driving up to Cerro de San Juan, we decided to stay local for a day and revisit some spots around San Blas. We started with another morning walk at the Sewer Ponds Road, which provided excellent birding once again — good looks at Russet-crowned Motmot, Rufous-bellied Chachalaca, Common Black-Hawk, Northern Jacana, Citreoline Trogon, Mexican Parrotlets, Rose-throated Becards etc. Continuing on past the sewer ponds and through the barbed wire gate, an Orange-billed Nightingale-Thrush hopped out onto the trail in front of us, giving good views. Working back into town through the overgrown streets, we picked up a Bell’s Vireo and a few Least Grebes sitting on a pond.

For the afternoon, we caught a boat over to Peso Island. Passerine activity was low in the thorn forest, so we headed out to the beach. Here we found a good selection of shorebirds to round out our trip list: American Oystercatcher, Stilt Sandpiper, Black-bellied, Semipalmated, Snowy and Wilson’s Plovers etc. But try as we might, we could not pull out a Collared Plover. Side-by-side views of Elegant and Royal Terns were educational and a single Gull-billed spiced things up a little. Heading back to the estero to catch the boat back to town, we encountered a group of 4 Purplish-backed Jays, including a smart immature with a yellow bill.

November 17th

During our trip to Peso Island the previous day, we negotiated with the boatman, Pipila, to take us out to Roca Elefante the next morning. This large rock just offshore to the north-west of San Blas, is home to nesting seabirds, including a couple of pairs of Red-billed Tropicbirds.

Brown BoobyMeeting Pipila shortly after dawn, the ride out on the ocean in the small open boat was refreshing. Birding was difficult however, as the bouncing of the small, fast craft over the waves made it almost impossible to focus binoculars on anything. Still, naked eyes were good enough to appreciate the numerous Magnificent Frigatebirds, Blue-footed and Brown Boobies. Approaching Roca Elefante, the dense cloud of birds circling above it was evident from quite a distance — even more frigatebirds and boobies. Nearing the rock, we slowed and began to circle, enjoying close views of these birds. A Peregrine put in an appearance, but caused little consternation amongst the large pelecaniforms. It wasn’t long before we picked out a smaller, white bird with long tail streamers dashing overhead — Red-billed Tropicbird! We got many such views of at least two birds circling the rock and flying in to presumed nest ledges high on the rock itself. At one location on the ocean side of the rock, after following a T-bird in with binoculars, we could make out its tail streamers protruding from a cleft in the cliff high above us. Satisfied, we headed back to San Blas for lunch.

Later, we returned to Lower Singayta to see what afternoon birding was like at this location. Again we found Rufous-bellied Chachalacas, a big flock of Mexican Parrotlets, Red-billed Pigeons, a Northern Beardless-Tyrannulet and Black-throated Magpie-Jays. Determined to get more out of the Upper Singayta area, we explored a dirt track through some cultivated fields at the top of the hill. This proved well worthwhile when we heard, and finally saw, a Lesser Ground-Cuckoo in the tall grass along the track. At least three cuckoos were present, calling back and fore with their loud referee whistles.

November 18th

thick-billed kingbirdWe returned to La Bajada for a morning visit and found that bird activity was far greater than on our afternoon visit on the 14th. Even before reaching the village, stops along the approach road produced a Russet-crowned Motmot, Black-vented Orioles, Orange-fronted Parakeets and a calling Collared Forest-Falcon. Parking again at the beginning of the plantations, we stepped from the car into a swarm of activity. A group of San Blas Jays, including both adults and tufted, yellow-billed immatures, moved through with a big flock of caciques. Masked Tityras were everywhere. Taking the right-hand trail at the fork, we climbed up into the forest, finding Tufted Flycatchers and singing Northern Beardless-Tyrannulets and Brown-backed Solitaire. On two occasions, we watched as a large, plump, rufous dove the size of a White-tipped Dove, but lacking the white tail corners, sped by us down the trail — Ruddy Quail-Doves! It was at the higher elevations here that we finally got good looks at a male Gray-crowned Woodpecker — the only one of the trip. Coming back down, investigation of a heavy "chip" note from the understory produced a fine Kentucky Warbler — an uncommon visitor to this region of Mexico?

For the afternoon, we again took to a boat, this time heading up the Estero El Pozo to Laguna de Pericos with Pipila. The main objective here was to locate Bare-throated Tiger-Heron and Rufous-necked Wood-Rail, neither of which we had seen yet. Pipila recognized the birds we sought from the pictures in Howell and Webb and was happy to take us to spots where he thought we might get lucky. We began by carefully scouring the muddy margins of the lower stretch of the estero, scanning deep into the mangrove roots for the rail. The mudflats here and upstream of the boat launch produced 2 Reddish Egrets. Finally, at a muddy cut through the mangroves, we spotted a juvenile wood-rail out in the open, foraging where mangrove roots gave way to open mud. Ah the sweet taste of success! Now for the tiger-heron, but unfortunately this is where our luck gave out. We carefully searched the forest either side of the river all the way up to Laguna de Pericos and then back again to the boat dock, without finding our second quarry. Nevertheless, we saw many other birds, including several Roseate Spoonbills at the laguna.

November 19th

social flycatcherFor our last full day of birding, we returned to Cerro de San Juan, as we’d enjoyed our previous visit so much. To vary things a little, we decided to try a different approach, driving first to the slopes on the far side above Cuarenteno and then birding back to the Tepic-Miramar road. This proved to be an excellent choice as we got to enjoy full morning activity in the slightly different habitat on the eastern side of the massif. One of our first stops was at a small humid canyon at Km 10.7, where there had been a lot of activity on our previous trip. This produced many of the interesting birds of the area — a Crescent-chested Warbler, Golden Vireos, redstarts — and tantalizing glimpses of a small thrush moving quickly across the ground. Striving for better looks at the thrush in the dense understory, our attention was drawn to the quiet wing-trill of a male Selasphorus hummingbird somewhere nearby. Craning our necks to get a look at the hummer, we were stunned and delighted to find that it was a male Bumblebee Hummingbird. Tiny and green, with glittering pink gorget and warm wash on the flanks, it moved ponderously from flower to flower - like a big bumblebee! Turning our attention back to the thrush, after some quiet waiting, not one but two small, long-legged Catharus thrushes finally popped out of the undergrowth, their subtly mottled breasts recalling a poorly-marked Veery — Russet Nightingale-Thrushes!

We spent the rest of the day working back towards the Tepic-Miramar road at a relaxed pace, enjoying many of the species we’d seen on the previous visit, including Black-capped Vireos, White-striped Woodcreeper, Buff-breasted Flycatcher and Black-throated Magpie-Jays.

November 20th

We got up late and took a final stroll on the beach before the drive back to Puerto Vallarta. The brush behind the beach produced a smart male Cinnamon-rumped Seedeater in alternate plumage, as well as a bunch of ticks of the small, biting, eight-legged variety.

The trip back to Puerto Vallarta was uneventful but slow, due to heavy traffic. Spending the night in Puerto Vallarta, we enjoyed Streak-backed and Orchard Orioles in the flowering trees downtown and treated ourselves to margaritas overlooking the ocean at sunset. We flew back to Denver the following morning.


"A Guide to the Birds of Mexico and Northern Central America", by Steve N. G. Howell and Sophie Webb (1995). Published by Oxford University Press.
"A Bird-Finding Guide to Mexico", by Steve N. G. Howell (1999). Published by Cornell University Press.


Note: The number in the "# of instances" column represents the number of instances with which that species occurs in my notes; one instance is equivalent to one individual or more at a given location on a given day. If we encountered the species again later that day at another location, or at another location on a later day, or at the same location on a different day, these all register as another instance. Not very quantitative, but it should provide some indication of how common a species was (i.e., the bigger the number of instances, the more common it was). Numbers of individuals and locations of more unusual or interesting birds, usually encountered on three separate instances or less, are also provided.

SPECIES # of instances

Least Grebe: 1 4, pond west of Sewer Ponds Rd
Red-billed Tropicbird: 1 2, Roca Elefante
American White Pelican: 2
Brown Pelican: 6
Blue-footed Booby: 2 Road to Punta Mita (40) and Roca Elefante (many)
Brown Booby: 2 Road to Punta Mita (12) and Roca Elefante (20)
Neotropic Cormorant: 5
Anhinga: 4
Magnificent Frigatebird: 9
Great Blue Heron: 7
Great Egret: 8
Reddish Egret: 2 E of R. San Cristobal bridge (1); Estero el Pozo (2)
Tricolored Heron 6
Little Blue Heron: 8
Snowy Egret: 7
Cattle Egret: 6
Green Heron: 5
Black-crowned Night-Heron: 2
Yellow-crowned Night-Heron: 5
Boat-billed Heron: 2 La Tovara (12, in pm) and Laguna de los Pajaros (3)
Wood Stork: 7
White Ibis: 6
White-faced Ibis: 5
Roseate Spoonbill: 6
Fulvous Whistling-Duck: 2 12, Laguna de Quelele; 3, Laguna de los Pajaros
Black-bellied Whistling-Duck: 3
Muscovy Duck: 1 3 birds (2 adults), boat trip to Laguna de los Parajos
Gadwall: 1
Northern Pintail: 2
Blue-winged Teal: 3
Cinnamon Teal: 2
Northern Shoveler: 1
Red-breasted Merganser: 1 1 female, ponds E of Rio San Cristobal bridge
Ruddy Duck: 1
Black Vulture: 15
Turkey Vulture: 19
Osprey: 6
White-tailed Kite: 1 1, Las Varas area
Sharp-shinned Hawk: 1 1, Cerro de San Juan
Crane Hawk: 3 1, Sewer Ponds Rd; 2, Lower Singayta; 1, La Bajada
Common Black-Hawk: 7
Great Black-Hawk: 1 1 juv., boat trip to La Tovara
Gray Hawk: 10
Broad-winged Hawk: 1 1 ad., Cerro de San Juan
Short-tailed Hawk: 5
Zone-tailed Hawk: 3
Red-tailed Hawk: 3
Crested Caracara: 2
Laughing Falcon: 1 1, Sewer Ponds Rd
Collared Forest-Falcon: 2 2 heard, lower Singayta; 1, La Bajada
American Kestrel: 6
Merlin: 1 1, Sewer Ponds Rd
Peregrine Falcon: 3
Rufous-bellied Chachalaca: 3 max 2, Lower Singayta; 2, Sewer Ponds Rd
Elegant Quail: 2 20, Sewer Ronds Rd; heard, Cerro de San Juan
Rufous-necked Wood-Rail: 1 1 juv., Boat trip on Estero el Pozo
Sora: 2
Common Moorhen: 2
American Coot: 1
Northern Jacana: 3
American Oystercatcher: 1 2, Peso Island
Black-necked Stilt: 6
American Avocet: 1
Black-bellied Plover: 2
Semipalmated Plover: 3
Wilson's Plover: 1 5, Peso Island
Killdeer: 3
Snowy Plover: 1 20, Peso Island
Long-billed Dowitcher: 3
Marbled Godwit: 2
Whimbrel: 7
Long-billed Curlew: 4
Greater Yellowlegs: 6
Lesser Yellowlegs: 1
Spotted Sandpiper: 6
Willet: 7
Sanderling: 2
Western Sandpiper: 3
Least Sandpiper: 1
Stilt Sandpiper: 1 1, Peso Island
Heermann's Gull: 2
Laughing Gull: 5
Gull-billed Tern: 1 1, Peso Island
Caspian Tern: 5
Elegant Tern: 2
Royal Tern: 2
Forster's Tern: 1
Rock Dove: 2
Red-billed Pigeon: 3 max 3, Lower Singayta; 1, Sewer Ponds Rd
White-winged Dove: 8
Common Ground-Dove: 3
Ruddy Ground-Dove: 3 10, Laguna de Quelele; 4, San Blas; 30, lower Singayta
Inca Dove: 2
White-tipped Dove: 1 2, Sewer Ponds Rd, San Blas
Ruddy Quail-Dove: 1 2, La Bajada
Military Macaw: 1 5, El Mirador del Aguila
Orange-fronted Parakeet: 5
Mexican Parrotlet: 6
Mangrove Cuckoo: 1 1, boat trip to Laguna de los Pajaros
Squirrel Cuckoo: 4
Groove-billed Ani: 6
Lesser Ground-Cuckoo: 1 3, fields above upper Singayta
Lesser Roadrunner: 1 1 heard, km2.3 Cerro de San Juan
Colima Pygmy-Owl: 1 3 heard, La Bajada
Ferruginous Pygmy-Owl: 2 2 heard, pm boat trip to La Tovara; 1 heard, San Blas
Northern Potoo: 2 2, La Tovara boat trip
Lesser Nighthawk: 2
Eared Poorwill: 1 1, banana plantations beyond Cuarenteno
Golden-crowned Emerald: 1 2, first km Cerro de San Juan
Broad-billed Hummingbird: 2
Mexican Woodnymph: 1 1 male, km4.5 Cerro de San Juan
White-eared Hummingbird: 2 max 4, Cerro de San Juan
Cinnamon Hummingbird: 6
Violet-crowned Hummingbird: 1 4, upper and lower Singayta
Berylline Hummingbird: 2 many, Cerro de San Juan
Costa's Hummingbird: 1 1 female, first km Cerro de San Juan
Bumblebee Hummingbird: 1 1 male, km10.7 Cerro de San Juan
Citreoline Trogon: 5
Elegant Trogon: 2 max 3, La Bajada
Belted Kingfisher: 8
Green Kingfisher: 4
Russet-crowned Motmot: 3 max 2, Sewer Ponds Rd; 2, La Bajada
Acorn Woodpecker: 2
Golden-cheeked Woodpecker: 8
Gila Woodpecker: 4
Ladder-backed Woodpecker: 2
Arizona Woodpecker: 1 1 male, km6 Cerro de San Juan
Gray-crowned Woodpecker: 1 1 male, La Bajada
Lineated Woodpecker: 3 max 3, La Bajada; 1, lower Singayta
Pale-billed Woodpecker: 3 2, lower Singayta; max 2, Cerro de San Juan
Olivaceous Woodcreeper: 1 2, Cerro de San Juan
Ivory-billed Woodcreeper: 3 2, Cerro de San Juan; 2, lower Singayta; 1, La Bajada
White-striped Woodcreeper: 2 max 1, Cerro de San Juan
Northern Beardless-Tyrannulet: 3
Greenish Elaenia: 3 1, Sewer Ponds Rd; 1, Cerro de San Juan; 1, Peso Is.
Tufted Flycatcher: 3 max 8, Cerro de San Juan; 1, La Bajada
Greater Pewee: 4
Willow Flycatcher: 2
Least Flycatcher: 2
Hammond's Flycatcher: 1
"Western" Flycatcher: 11
Buff-breasted Flycatcher: 2 max 2, Cerro de San Juan
Vermilion Flycatcher: 7
Dusky-capped Flycatcher: 7
Nutting's Flycatcher: 4
Great Kiskadee: 14
Social Flycatcher: 8
Tropical Kingbird: 17
Cassin's Kingbird: 1
Thick-billed Kingbird: 9
Rose-throated Becard: 4
Masked Tityra: 2 max 12, La Bajada
N. Rough-winged Swallow: 9
Barn Swallow: 2
Ruby-crowned Kinglet: 2
Spotted Wren 1 3, below km2.3 Cerro de San Juan
Happy Wren 2 1, Sewer Ponds Rd; 2, lower SingaytaSinaloa Wren: 4 Lower Singayta, La Bajada, Cerro de San Juan, Peso Is.
House Wren: 2
Northern Mockingbird: 5
Blue Mockingbird: 3 1, lower Singayta; max 4, Cerro de San Juan
Eastern Bluebird: 1
Brown-backed Solitaire: 3 max 4, Cerro de San Juan; 1, La Bajada
Orange-billed N’gale-Thrush: 1 1, sewer ponds road, San Blas
Russet Nightingale-Thrush: 1 2, km10.7 Cerro de San Juan
Rufous-backed Robin: 6
Blue-gray Gnatcatcher: 11
Black-throated Magpie-Jay: 6
Green Jay: 2
San Blas Jay: 1 10, La Bajada
Purplish-backed Jay: 2 5, ponds E of Rio San Cristobal bridge; 4, Peso Island
Sinaloa Crow: 7
Common Raven: 1
Mangrove Vireo: 1 1, boat trip to Laguna de los Pajaros
Bell's Vireo: 1
Black-capped Vireo: 2 max 3, Cerro de San Juan
Plumbeous Vireo: 1
Cassin's Vireo: 2
Hutton's Vireo; 2
Warbling Vireo: 4
Golden Vireo: 2 3, Cerro de San Juan
Orange-crowned Warbler: 2
Nashville Warbler: 8
Crescent-chested Warbler: 2 3, Cerro de San Juan
Tropical Parula: 2 1, lower Singayta; 1, Sewer Ponds Rd
Yellow Warbler: 7
"Mangrove" Warbler: 1 1 male, boat trip to La Tovara
Yellow-rumped Warbler: 2
Black-throated Gray Warbler: 8
Townsend's Warbler: 2
Hermit Warbler: 2
Grace's Warbler: 1
Black-and-white Warbler: 7
American Redstart: 7
Ovenbird: 1
Northern Waterthrush: 2
Kentucky Warbler: 1 1, La Bajada
MacGillivray's Warbler: 9
Common Yellowthroat: 2
Wilson's Warbler: 12
Red-faced Warbler: 2
Painted Redstart: 2 max 3, Cerro de San Juan
Slate-throated Redstart: 2 max 4, Cerro de San Juan
Fan-tailed Warbler: 1 1, km10.7 Cerro de San Juan
Rufous-capped Warbler: 1 4, Cerro de San Juan
Yellow-breasted Chat: 2
Red-crowned Ant-Tanager: 1 6, La Bajada
Hepatic Tanager: 2
Summer Tanager: 5
Western Tanager: 3
Flame-colored Tanager: 1 2 males, km6 Cerro de San Juan
Red-headed Tanager: 1 3, Cerro de San Juan
Blue-black Grassquit: 1 1 male, Laguna de Quelele
"Cinnamon-rumped" Seedeater: 8
Rusty-crowned Ground-Sparrow:1 1, first km Cerro de San Juan
Stripe-headed Sparrow: 3 3, Lag. de Quelele; 3 Sewer Ponds Rd; 1 lower Singayta
Rusty Sparrow: 1 1, first km Cerro de San Juan
Chipping Sparrow: 1
Lincoln's Sparrow: 3
Grayish Saltator: 8
Yellow Grosbeak: 2 1, La Bajada; 1, first km Cerro de San Juan
Black-headed Grosbeak: 1
Blue Grosbeak: 1
Indigo Bunting: 1
Varied Bunting: 1 4, below km2.3 Cerro de San Juan
Painted Bunting: 6
Red-winged Blackbird: 1
Great-tailed Grackle: 16
Bronzed Cowbird: 5
Streak-backed Oriole: 4
Hooded Oriole: 1
Bullock's Oriole: 3
Orchard Oriole: 3
Black-vented Oriole: 1 3, La Bajada
Audubon's Oriole: 1
Yellow-winged Cacique: 13
Lesser Goldfinch: 2
House Sparrow: 4