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laurent raty

Belgian (nmt-birding base: Brussels) 270 (B) + 4 (NL) = 274
full list:
- Belgium with links to Belgian sightings:
- Netherlands with links to Dutch sightings:
bike+foot from and back to Brussels (allowing limited use of timetabled ferries for water crossings where no other possibility exists). (=Dutch) taxonomy; cat C excluded.
Brussels-based nmt-lifers so far this year: razorbill, mealy redpoll, great bustard, RING-BILLED GULL, whiskered tern, baikal teal (hmm...), white-winged tern, red-rumped swallow, squacco heron, pallid harrier, great snipe, CALANDRA LARK, gull-billed tern, greater yellowlegs (NL), lesser grey shrike, european flamingo (NL; "hmm..." as well, but Dutch listers do count them), pacific golden plover (NL), red-footed falcon, BALEARIC SHEARWATER, baird's sandpiper, blue-winged teal, WHITE'S THRUSH, richard's pipit, GYR FALCON, dusky warbler, long-billed dowitcher (NL), PIED WHEATEAR, Snow Goose (? blue morph among pinkfeet; the future of this sp on the Belgian list seems uncertain).
Brussels-based nmt life list now 313 (B) + 4 (NL) = 317 (
Showing Records 1 through 1 of 1 Total Listers

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