Showing Records 1 through 2 of 2 Total Listers

Rank Name Nationality Total Highlights


Kurt Pohlman

USA-Hawaii 124
Grey backed and NZ storm Petrel, Mottled Petrel,Glossy Ibis,Black Stilt,Marsh Sandpiper,Yellowhead


Colin Lunt

New Zealand 27
8/1/14 1. Malay Spotted Dove. 2.Tui. 3.Rock Dove. 4.Indian Myna. 5. House Sparrow. 6. Red-billed Gull. 7. Black-backed Gull. 8. Blackbird. 9. Song Thrush. 10. Starling. 11. Mallard. 12. Pukeko. 13. NZ Pigeon. 14. Spur-winged Plover. 15. Australasian Bell-magpie. 16. Goldfinch. 17. Greenfinch. 18. Welcome Swallow. 19. Barbary Dove. 20. Grey-lag Goose. 21. Waxeye. 22. Sacred Kingfisher. 23. Australasian Harrier. 24. Eastern Rosella. 25. N.Z. Fantail. 26. Black Swan. 27. Variable Oystercatcher.
Showing Records 1 through 2 of 2 Total Listers

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