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The International Birding and Research Centre (IBRCE) Eilat, Israel by Mark Thomas and Jenny Atkins (RSPB)

Quails are common migrants in Eilat and unlike in most other countries offer some great views. Several birds are caught and ringed in most weeks.

bird picture - Quail

Olivaceous Warblers are caught daily in early spring
(see the mist-net on Wednesday) and along with several sylvia warblers are part of an on-going warbler PhD study being conducted in Eilat by Milan University who are testing the metallic compounds found in their feathers in order to determine winter ranges.

One of the Savi's Warblers (see the mist-net on Tuesday) caught during the week was a retrap and had been present at the ringing site for over a week, during which time it had increased its weight and fat/muscle and was almost certainly due to continue its migration imminently.

bird picture - Swallow

Several Swallows of the eastern Mediterranean race transitiva were caught on April 2nd 2001, this co-incided with an increase in the number of Red-rumped Swallows also moving through the area. This race found in Turkey, Lebanon and W Israel has rusty brown underparts and undertail coverts.

bird picture - Spanish Sparrow

Several sparrow species were caught including this superb male Spanish Sparrow and also two female Dead Sea Sparrows but unfortunately no males.

Water Rails (see the mist-net on Friday) are notorious for attacking other birds in the nets so it was very important for the individuals who were extracting the birds to remain close to the nets at all times.

If you find these images exciting and are interested in more details please try the following web sites : and\sept_00/featsave.html

The first is the official web site of the IBRCE in Eilat and the second portrays a poignant if not remarkable story of what is really happening in Eilat and how the battle against development is being fought by the IBRCE to safeguard migrant birds on this vital staging post between Africa and Europe.

bird picture - Orphean Warbler

April 2001